Vorkosigan Wiki
Vorkosigan Wiki

The Komarr Terraforming Project was a very large, very slow effort to make the planet of Komarr habitable. It began about four hundred years BMVK and was projected to need at least another three hundred years before it could be considered to be finished.

Because the planet was cold and dry, the first actions were to perform some low-impact collisions with comets in the Southern Hemisphere and then to create a soletta mirror to increase the amount of sunlight that landed on the planet – effectively making Komarr have two suns instead of one. They also manufactured and released a mixture of greenhouse grasses into Komarr's upper atmosphere.

The next step was to get microbes able to live on the surface and peat bogs forming to lock up the excessive carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, to attempt to produce an oxygen atmosphere. This step was still ongoing during the events of Komarr.

